Friday, May 28, 2010

Not really all a twitter

I just finished an article about a guy who was refused a seat on an airplane as he was too fat. Now this guy is on a mission against the airline and their policies and has "a million-plus Twitter followers". How satisfying would that be!
I just spent maybe an hour or so on Twitter and from what I could see it certainly fulfill's a lot of people's need to blather or chitty chat about whatever, something which I am not that compelled to do. Also, I would think to get the most out of this site you would need to be connected online a lot more that I am. However if I were involved in or interested in a controversy such as the one above maybe I would be a little more inclined.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the Library Thing

Looks like a great site for those who are serious about their books! I would mainly use it to look up some reviews or perhaps to get some ideas of books to read if I am stuck. I didn't have much trouble finding my way around though if I were looking just for book reviews Amazon would still be my first stop as I like looking at the Editiorial reviews as well.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Google Hit

I had no idea about Google documents until this assignment. I had no problems learning about the site or uploading, creating or sharing different documents. It is very flexible and easy to use and can see that if you were collaborating with someone on document this would be all you would need to make your life easier.
I am looking forward to getting to know this site more and working with it in the future

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I whiled away some time going through both sites. I don't even own a digital camera so I am unfamiliar with the flikr sort of sites. I can see though how people who own a camera can really get into this. I would say it was user friendly as I had little trouble navigating though not sure if I like the tags. I am much more familiar with Youtube and have viewed many vignettes that are quite interesting and funny which are passed back and forth through email. I find this site to be easier to navigate or more user friendly that flickr and would spend a lot more time here (if I had it!)

Friday, April 30, 2010


I subscribed to 2 sites in both ways and they both popped up on my list so I would have to say that this is an easy process. It's also easy to manage so I can see how this is a useful one stop shop. I haven't been able to spend too much time on this but will conclude that- so far so good.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


The News listing caught my eye as I am a bit of a newshound. I could spend a lot of time here and wouldn't feel too guilty about doing it. I would consider myself considerably more informed about the issues and the news in the world today. It updates continuously as articles are posted online. When it says you can access thousands of news items online its not kidding! It does sort it out for you so you can look for items in your interest category though each posting can also show you thousands of articles. A little overwhelming perhaps. I did like the search tool on the top of the page and it zeroed in on a particular subject. Yes I would recommend this site to friends, family, coworkers, customers etc.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Facebook (is fun)

I think Facebook is an interesting invention. I get different insights into my daughter's lives and receive invites from long lost acquaintances who all of a sudden want to be my friend once again. I enjoy going through the pictures that people post and see what is going on in their lives. It's a different way to keep up and I can do so in my jammies. Yes it can be seen as a time sucker but I would suggest that this would be different for each person and how one would define wasting your time.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I like Wikipedia for providing a quick overview of some subjects, always keeping in mind its vulnerabilities. Mostly I have been pleasantly surprised by the depth of some of the articles and found it to be a great starting point for research or to even be satisfied completely with information provided in some cases. I consider myself a "jack of all trades" sort of person and was really wondering what site I would find that I would actually find a factual error. Keeping in mind the idea that current sites would offer more room for error, I combined this little tidbit of information with my "expertise" in music and as luck would have it discovered a group whose discography was not up to date. This was rather a simple thing to edit with a reliable citation and now my work here is complete. Onward to Assignment 4 !

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Delicious Site

I have looked through Delicious in the past and because I found it awkward and somewhat confusing to use usually resorted to other methods to search. The display options could help in searching in some ways but overall I didn't find that this site offers an efficient or user friendly way to look up specific information.
I came to understand the site better when I took on an assignment to update our department tags and did find it was very easy to edit/delete/add which is invaluable for an informative and up to date site. I also discovered a great site to look up obituaries from the Calgary Herald which a customer was looking for and a few other little gems just by stumbling upon them as I navigated. Therefore, I think it is definitely worthwhile to poke around and see whats there.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Assignment no. 1

I am going to answer choice no. 1 of this assignment. I am looking very forward to becoming more comfortable with these technologies. Sometimes I feel like a dinosaur so thank you for this opportunity to at least be on par with my daughters and others like them.